Monday, May 16, 2005

Truth or Consequences?

Last week Newspeak reported that interviewers at Camp Cuba flushed a copy of the Koran down the toilet. This week they are retracting that claim.

In light of the many cases of reporters making up sources and facts to give their stories more "punch" I can believe that this is one more such case. On the other hand, given the desires of the current majority party to silence critics (e.g. the "nuclear option" to eliminate the filibuster) I can also believe that Newsweek is caving to pressure following the increasing unrest that the story has spurred in the middle east.

Will we ever know the truth about this story?


Gene said...

Barring the discovery of a copy of the Qur'an at the bottom of a latrine in Guantanamo Bay, we'll never know for sure.

It's all he said/she said.

Anonymous said...

I do find it somewhat ironic that the Whitehouse is saying that those who did not check their facts and publish something that turned out to be wrong should apologizes and be held responsible because people died. Maybe in 6 months they will get a freedom medal like Tenet.