Monday, July 18, 2005


After much talking and promising and reneging we -- I -- finally painted my 6-year-old's room.

Older bro' got his room painted before he was three, coinciding with the arrival of 2 of 2. The fact that there is no number 3 (and never has been a no. 3 planned) has probably been a big factor in us delaying this remodeling job. When you're about to ignore a child for several months you need to do something to distract him.

But Dos (as in numero dos) has been complaining about his boring white walls for quite a while and we could no longer put it off. Unfortunately, we also couldn't afford an overpriced "artist" to paint his room for him. So shorty got the short end of the stick and has to live with a paint job by his dad.

I don't think the expectations were high, so I was confident that I could exceed them. And I think I did! The finishing touch will be some dinosaur appliqués which cannot be appliquéd until the paint has been dry for 30 days. After that I'll post some pictures.

The theme of the room is dinosaurs. Like many young-uns, the squirt is into dinosaurs. So the bottom of each wall is made up of several layers of brown (as in geologic layers of dirt) with a few dinosaur fossils painted on. Above the dirt is sky to the ceiling, but there are hazy purple mountains in the distance and palm trees, ferns, and rocks in the foreground. A pteranadon is soaring through the sky and a volcano is erupting in one corner. Some glow in the dark stars on the ceiling complete the scene.

Everything is drawn free-hand -- no stencils. No, I am not an artist. But I think I did pretty well, though the texture on the wall was a challenge. You can judge when the pics are posted.


Gene said...

when the youngun starts having nightmares of being chased by velociraptors and pterodactyls, don't say I didn't warn you!

William Bob said...

Oh, gee. I wonder if the 5' inflatable T-Rex might be why he's wetting his bed again.