Monday, April 02, 2007

New Grindstone

After a longer time than I would have liked, I have a new job. I started today and can report that while the job search market has changed considerably since the last time I was looking, the struggles to get new hires productive are the same as they ever were.

I was told to show up at 10 a.m. But the "first day logistics team" wasn't there. Maybe that's because today was a Monday. I wouldn't ordinarily think that should be a factor, but several people expressed surprise that this was my first day because most people start on Tuesday or Thursday.

The building I work in is a secure building, meaning that there is a guard shack to get onto the property and a guarded outer lobby before you get into the soft, chewy parts of the building. Since the 1st day logistics team was AWOL I had to wait until a real employee (not a contractor) could come to let me in. I'm a contractor and even though my (new) firm has a boatload of people working in the building, none of them could escort me past the sentries because they're all contractors, too. But I did eventually get in.

Once inside I began the typical new hire game of "hurry up and wait". Except there was no apparent hurry. In fairly short order they did figure out my seating assignment, but my login and phone aren't working yet. Someone printed out a bunch of stuff for me to read and I sat down to, well, read.

ZZZZZzzzzzz. <snort!>

Oops. Sorry, I must've dozed off. My cube is in a very quiet area. It is in a single-file row, so there are hallways / aisles to the east and west and adjacent cubes to the north and south. The north cube is empty. Two of the three closest cubes across the east aisle are empty. There are no cubes across the west aisle. The cubes around me are occupied by introverted programmers. They don't call anyone. No one calls them. They don't socialize much (that's how you know they're introverts). You can't play music without headphones. There is no piped in music. The keyboards are pretty quiet. The HVAC system makes a soft sound. The lighting is dim — they must expect you to use the task lighting in your cube, but only one of my task lights is working.

In other words, it's dark and quiet. And I'm reading very dry material with which I can't really do anything.

Thank goodness for caffeine.

I'm told that my login might work tomorrow. I sure hope so because I finished all the reading today.


Gene said...

sounds like a sound foundation for a new BOWLING TEAM!

I suspect your First Contact will happen at the Cafetorium, or whatever they call The Place What Dispenses Caffeine.

Anonymous said...

Close encounters of the geek kind. Bring in Star Wars or Star Trek or Star 80 memorabilia and you might make a few friends.