Monday, December 05, 2005

Global Warming?!? Balderdash!

Harrumph! Global warming my a**! Woke up this morning to find the temperature below freezing. In Texas! And yet, my kids still had to go to school!
Aside #9/5+32: Here in Texas we put on Parkas when the temperature goes below 32 degrees Celcius!
I, for one, am not going to sit still for this! I'm gonna write to my erected representatives and demand that they do something about it!

And it's not just in Texas. Oh, no, there's an ice-age coming to Europe on account of a failure of the Gulf Stream. I read it on the internet, so it must be true. How can you have an ICE AGE if there's GLOBAL WARMING? Why would the polar ice caps melt if it's so cold that France will have permafrost?

I think this cold weather is just another plot by libberralls to turn Texas into a BLUE state! They must think that if our lips and fingers are blue then we'll vote for Hillary.

Well, it ain't gonna work! We're gonna vote for George Bush in 2008! P, that is. Next in line for the throne. Just you wait.

1 comment:

Gene said...

one of my postings a few days ago exposes the secret code atop a container of half-and-half! See NEEDS NO CHILL which reveals the anagram CHILLS END EON which shows that global warming is a hoax!