Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Yankee, Go Home!

Today, after 9 years in Texas, my friend, E, crossed the border into Arkansas with a U-Haul trailer on his way back to Maryland.

No, he wasn't fleeing Hurricane Rita. He was going back home to live with his Momma. :-)

Nah, while technically correct (for now), that wasn't the purpose of his move to MD. He took a job with the gummint and the job is in the 'burbs of D.C. E's mother lives in Glen Burnie, a town so behind the times that it doesn't have a web site. He's going to move into her condo for a couple of months to build up his savings before moving into his own apartment.

E's new job is with one of the so-called intelligence agencies, so he's changing his email signature to "00E". I don't think the new job includes a "license to kill", like other double-aught agents, but then again, he does have a driver's license and that's nearly the same thing here in Texas.

Anyway, here's to ya, 00E. Now go get a haircut. And tuck in your shirt. Put away the milk, too! I know you lived in Texas for 9 years, but did you live in a barn?


William Bob said...

Okay, that's it. I'd heard about blogspam and new that's what the "word verification" stuff was about, but didn't want to use that option if I didn't have to. But now that I've been hit, it's time to turn it on. Sorry, folks.

William Bob said...


Gene said...
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