Sunday, May 06, 2007

Cinco de Mayo

Is it just me, or did we collectively forget about Cinco de Mayo this year?

We Americans take our melting pot history seriously, or at least we seem to be willing to celebrate any holiday from a country with decent beer. Oktoberfest and St. Patrick's Day are just two. Cinco de Mayo used to be a third. But this year we seem to have forgotten it, which is especially odd since it fell on a weekend. Weekend holidays are especially treasured because they coincide with our normal hedonistic cycle.

Even Google, which modifies its logo for everything, didn't have anything special this year on the 5th.

Or maybe Jay Leno gave us a hint when he joked that Cinco de Mayo means "they outnumber us 5 to 1." There has been a lot of news in the past year about immigration, most of which is from Mexico. Are we so fed up with talking about Mexico and Mexicans and Mexican-Americans that we don't even want to drink cerveza in early May? Can we really go from Mardi Gras (which bucks the trend by being from a country without a beer tradition) to Memorial Day with only one hangover?

I never thought I'd see it come this.